Digital Signage

Digital Signage

Digital signage, also called dynamic signage, is a specialized form of sliver casting in which video or multimedia content is displayed in public places for informational or advertising purposes. A digital sign usually consists of a computer or playback device connected to a large, bright digital screen.

Digital Signage gives the durability and flexibility needed to communicate with customers, staff, visitors …etc. in building. It is a centrally controlled, content distribution platform by which to playback digital content to one or many displays or screens. Digital Signage screens can be used for the relaying of any number of types of information; live weather, news, TV, menus, flights, calendars, marketing material and ads for example.

Digital Signage
is Information

Digital signage is used in retail stores, hotels, restaurants, exhibitions, campuses, schools, libraries, office buildings, hospitals and medical facilities, airports, train and bus stations, banks, auto dealerships and other public and private venues. If the display is connected to a computer, the data on the screen can be updated in real time by means of an Internet or proprietary network connection. Data transmission and storage are streamlined by compression to minimize file size. The system can employ multiple screens if an extra-large display is desired.

There are several advantages to the use of digital signs instead of paper signs. Digital signs can be updated at will by remote control while paper signs require individual replacement and physical travel to sign sites by personnel. Because digital signs require no paper or paint, they are more environmentally friendly than traditional signs. Digital signs can be animated and can deliver sound as well as visual content.

Digital Signage
is Engagement

Whether you are a mall, company, hospital, university, or any type of business you know how important it is to engage your customers, staff and visitors on a daily basis. There are lots of information distributed every day. People wants to hear about everything from what is happing around them to announcements to schedules to updates. Administrators and people responsible for getting that information out often find it challenging to get relevant information to staff and visitors without also overloading them with info they do not need.

Digital Signage
is All You Want It To Be

Using Digital Signage is the best way to communicate immediately with the people around in an affordable and efficient manner. Institutions from all across the globe have been installing digital signage in their premises. They use it to provide timely, relevant visual information, publish news and announcements, promote events, advertise any information and keep everyone updated.

With the use of digital signage, there is no need to hang posters or any other handmade signs in the hallways. Communicating with the use of posters and handmade signs is impractical, time-consuming, and waste of paper. More often than not, signs and posters are torn or ripped down. As a result, administrators have to face staff and/or customers who are upset because they were not able to read the important announcement.

Push Content from Mobile, Tablet or Laptop

Digital signage solutions can be managed from any web browser and you can push content via laptop, tablet or IP enabled mobile device. Digital Signage networks can be as complex or as simple as you like, scaling from control of one, two or many screens, up to however many you can handle, whilst zoning features allow you to send the same content to multiple screens or to just a handful.

Benefits of
Digital Signage

  • Updates and breaking news are posted in real-time
  • Screens are bright and uses Multimedia
  • Display multiple things on a screen at once
  • Screen content can be changed throughout the day
  • Modern and ubiquitous for today’s businesses
  • Cheaper than print for big audiences
  • Can be animated and can deliver sound

Application and function

The many different uses of digital signage allow a business to accomplish a variety of goals. Some of the most common applications include:

Public information – news, weather, traffic and local (location specific) information, such as building directory with a map, fire exits and traveler information.
Internal information – corporate messages, such as health & safety items, news and so forth.
Product information – pricing, photos, raw materials or ingredients, suggested applications and other product information – especially useful in food marketing where signage may include nutritional facts or suggested uses or recipes.
Information to enhance the customer service experience – interpretive signage in museums, galleries, zoos, parks and gardens, exhibitions, tourist and cultural attractions.
Advertising and Promotion – g the screen’s audience reach for general advertising.
Brand building – in-store digital sign to promote the brand and build a brand identity.
Influencing customer behavior – navigation, directing customers to different areas, increasing the “dwell time“ on the store premises and a wide range of other uses in service of such influence.
Influencing product or brand decision-making – Signage at the point of sale designed to influence choice e.g. Signage to help shoppers to choose dresses inside a fashion store or devices that on a computerized shopping trolley helping the customer locate products, check prices, access product information and manage shopping lists.
Enhancing customer experience – applications include the reduction of perceived wait time in the waiting areas of restaurants and other retail operations, bank queues, and similar circumstances, as well as demonstrations, such as those of recipes in food stores, among other examples.
Navigation – with interactive screens (in the floor, for example, as with “informational footsteps“ found in some tourist attractions, museums and the like) or with other means of “dynamic wayfinding“.
Reservations – small, interactive screens on walls or desks that allow employees to reserve the space for a limited time and integrate with a room and resource scheduling platform.

Types of Digital Signage

Digital Signage has many classifications. They can be Indoor or Outdoor, Interactive or not interactive, Microsoft or Android operating system. The clarity of screens is different depending on number of pixels and the prices are different accordingly. The digital signage has also different sizes from 8 inches small screens to big walls of tens of square meters.

We at AdCharge

can satisfy your needs and provide you the best digital signage solution that caters for you requirements